Monday, September 30, 2013

enjoy the journey

On a recent Hobby Lobby excursion, I found a pack of canvases and beginner's acryllic paints on sale. I'm not an artist by any stretch of the imagination, but I had an idea of something I wanted to make for our home, so I took advantage of the reduced prices.

Caleb is really close to his grandparents, and something his grandmother would always remind him of is to "enjoy the journey." Through the years we've learned just how important this lesson is - from working towards and waiting to hear about jobs, to taking the time to be thankful for the opportunity to attend school, even through waiting impatiently for our wedding day.  We only have a fixed amount of time on earth, and who knows how long it will be, so we had better enjoy every moment; even the ones we see as something that we want to pass quickly to get to the next stage.

I knew that I wanted to do the "flower halo" like the one on my blog logo.  I drew a circle on the canvas with a pencil and wrote the words in the center.  After that I just went nuts with color and different flowers I could dream up, following the circle and interconnecting all of them.  I'm really pleased with how it turned out.

This added a much needed pop of color to our walls, and a great reminder to take every day at a time, enjoying every moment.

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