Friday, October 25, 2013

5 ways to make a bad day better.

1. Snuggle with a furry animal. Cats or french bulldogs are my first 2 choices.
2. Hot beverages. Coffee, cider, hot chocolate.. pick your poison.
3. Go thrifting.  Nothing lifts my mood like scoring a new outfit for 5 dollars.
4. Call you mom.  This always makes me feel better.
5. When all else fails, there are cupcakes.

my mom is the best.


  1. I totally agree with number one! Every so often at my school, they have therapy animals come in so students can de-stress by petting/cuddling with an animal. The woman I talked to who owned the dog said that she brings him to flu shot clinics, and to personal care homes and it really helps the people to have a dog there. She said that if someone is touching the dog, they don't notice the needle they're getting and it goes way easier.
    Great post!

  2. I need some cheering up today, & it's nice to remember that it can be the simplest things like this that make all the difference.


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