Tuesday, October 8, 2013

how to: messy bun

Yes, I know, there are approximately 82 billion tutorials for messy buns online.  Which is funny, to me: isn't the whole point that it looks "undone?" Much like no-makeup makeup, it takes a whole lot of effort to look like you didn't make effort.
Anyway, back to what I was saying - yeah, there are tons of these tutorials out there, but I was never able to make one work for me.  My hair was either too short, too long, too layered, too brown... you get the idea.
This is how I've been making a messy bun, ever since I discovered it last week.  It was a feeling akin to finding the holy grail.  It works great on my hair, and it's pretty secure, so I would assume it works well for layered hair.  Its also pretty easy to tweak if your hair is super long.

Start by parting your hair straight down the middle:

Take the two sides of your hair and tie them in a knot, like you're starting to tie a shoe.

This is where you tweak it if your hair is super long: tie two knots.  
Take the loose ends of your hair left after you tie the knot(s) and put a hair tie around them, like a ponytail.

After you add the hair tie, mess your hair around the knot and pin.  You can pin it however you want and make it as messy or sleek as you like!

This looks nice and messy, but its actually very secure and stays in all day.  You can make it fancy by adding in some braids on the sides if you like.  As always, this stays in better if you have a little texture in your hair - hello, third day hair excuses!

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