Friday, November 15, 2013

5 books that you should read

1. Lisey's Story- Stephen King. I keep going on and on about this book, and I will forever.  It's the most beautiful love story I've ever read, as well as a very real look at how people deal with grief and loss.  It's my favorite book in the whole world.

2. The 5 Love Languages.  Caleb and I read this as part of our premarital counseling, and it was incredibly effective with making us think about the way we communicated love to each other.  This is a great book for couples, but it really can relate to everyone in your life and help you to better communicate with them.

3. The Little Prince. This book is simple enough for your kids to read, and its a sweet little story, but has a lot of very important lessons like loving and letting go and working hard even if you don't immediately see the rewards.

4. Blue Like Jazz. This is a Christian book, but its great for everyone.  Its one of the most honest books I've ever read.  If you've ever found your journey of faith to be messy or confusing, this book is a breath of fresh air.

5. The Fault in Our Stars. This is the only other real "novel" on this list.  This story is beautiful.  I don't really know how to talk about it without giving something away, so just know that you will need many tissues.


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