Monday, November 25, 2013

easy peasy Christmas: candles

from left to right: one // two // three // four // five // six

Every single person in the world loves candles.
Yeah, that's probably not completely true, but most people I know love them, and with good reason.  They look pretty, make your house smell good, and just generally make the place feel cozy.
These are a few candles who's scents and packaging I'm loving lately.  You can wrap a pretty ribbon around them, maybe add a sparkly branch or other Christmas-y ornament like the pumpkin candle at the top, and voila! Instant gift.  
Bonus points when you use a candle as a hostess gift, because they can light it immediately to help decorate for the party :)

1 comment:

  1. so, so lovely! i am a candle junkie.. can never have too many!


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