Thursday, December 19, 2013

a day in Franklin

I had a big girl interview (!) in Franklin on Tuesday, and since neither Caleb nor I had spent much time there before, he took the day off and we made a day out of it.
We LOVE this place.  And if the Lord decides that this is where we need to be... well, I don't think either of us will complain.

We spent most of our time downtown.  I wanted so badly to go to this theatre (they were playing White Christmas!), but sadly we didn't have time.  We're gonna make a special trip back up just to go to the threatre soon!

We ate at an Irish pub (of course) called McCrary's.  It was pretty delicious, and not all that expensive.  I got bangers and mash (because it was the most Irish sounding thing on the menu) and Caleb got Corn Beef and Cabbage.  Sounds gross, but it was actually pretty good.

Probably my favorite part of the trip was the discovery of the cutest store ever.  It's called Philanthropy, and not only does it look like a better Anthropologie, it gives back to charity with every purchase.  At leat 10% of every in-store purchase is given to charity, and 100% of every purchase made on their website goes back.  It was a really cool place and I plan on shopping there often!

If you have any last-minute Christmas shopping to do, look around their website!  They have some gorgeous stuff and you'll be helping someone out with your purchase :)

All in all, we love Franklin.  If you're in the Nashville area, go look around!


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