Monday, December 16, 2013

This month has brought so much to be thankful for. I only have one semester left of college, which is super exciting and terrifying at the same time. We aren't rich, but we're both employed, have a roof over our heads, and there is always food on the table.  We get to go spend time with our families for the holidays. I love being married to Caleb - we've found our groove and we're having so much fun spending our lives together.  Even when difficult things come up, we are extremely blessed and loving where we are.

Here's what we've been doing this season...
Traveling.... to visit friends and family in Alabama, and to Nashville frequently, for work and for fun.
Reading...... a bunch of thrillers. I don't know what it is about the cold that makes me want to read scary things.  I just finished Gone Girl (amazing) and I'm reading through Duma Key by Stephen King now.
Watching..... Christmas movies!  The Grinch, Elf, and White Christmas are favorites around here.
Making.... lots of jewelry! I'm hoping that once I get up some inventory I can open an Etsy shop.  I'll definitely keep you posted!
Listening... to the new Lana Del Rey EP - Body Electric is my jam.  I'm also still enjoying Daughter's If You Leave, it's perfect winter music.
Eating...... so many yummy things.  My friend Lindsey made us a bucket of Christmas crack (also called puppy chow in more conservative circles), and it was gone within a few days.  Caleb's grandmother sent us a batch of white chocolate dipped peanut butter crackers, and I'm sure they won't last long!
Learning... how to crochet again.  I used to do it all the time and fell out of the habit.  I've picked it back up and my first project was a big, cozy scarf.  

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